Exploring Road Border Crossings between Bulgaria and Romania

The border separating Bulgaria and Romania stands as a testament to the cultural and historical links between the two nations.  The frontier is vital in facilitating tourism, trade and integration across the region – and in this article we examine this in-depth.  Read on to learn more about the various places where one can cross the border by road, and other information pertinent to the border between the two countries.

Historical Background

Over the passage of time, various political changes have played a role in border crossings between Bulgaria and Romania.  Events ranging from the fall of the Ottoman Empire to the formations of today’s nations, have all played a role.  Both countries have invested resources in securing and enhancing the border, to ensure ease of transit and foster bilateral relations.  Today, there is excellent cooperation which benefits both nations and all that traverse the boundary. 

Border Crossing Points

There is a total of eight border crossing points that connect Bulgaria and Romania.  Of these, four are road crossings which serve as essential gateways for trade, tourism and transport.  If you are planning on crossing the border, it is a good idea to check a border crossing webcam before departing.  Please remember that to use the motorways in Bulgaria, you will need to purchase a vignette.  Find out more by using our portal.  Below we examine each of the crossing points, including their location and how to reach them:

The City of Ruse, Bulgaria, on the banks of the Danube River border


This is the busiest of all the road crossing points between Bulgaria and Romania.  Spanning the Danube River, it joins the city of Ruse in Bulgaria, with Giurgiu, in Romania.  The road on both sides of the border is the E85, one of the major routes in the European Union.  As such, it plays an important role for international trade and transit across the region.


To the west, spanning the Danube River, the Vidin-Calafat crossing point connects Vidin, Bulgaria, with the Romanian town of Calafat.  On the Bulgarian side, the road is known as Route 11, while on the Romanian side, it is the DN56.  This crossing is strategically important for both road and rail transportation along the European Transport Corridor.

As Vidin is near the Serbian – Bulgarian border as well its used a lot by people traveling from Serbia through Bulgarian on the road to Romania. Please note that the rules for crossing the Serbian – Bulgarian border is much more complicated then that of the Romanian side. Here you can learn more about the border crossings between Serbia and Bulgaria.


In the northeastern part of the Bulgaria-Romania border is the Silistra-Calarasi border post.  This connects the cities of Silistra and Calarasi in Bulgaria and Romania respectively.  It too is essential to cross-border trade, commerce and economic cooperation.  One the Bulgarian side, it is approached via Route 7.  On the Romanian side, use the DN21.

Kardam-Negru Voda

Also situated in the northeast, this crossing connects the villages of Kardam and Negru Voda, in Bulgaria and Romania, respectively. Although it is not as large as the previously mentioned crossings, it is vital for regional connectivity and movement between local communities.  On the Bulgarian side of the border, the crossing is approached on the local Road III-209.  In Romania, you’ll follow the DJ225D, also a local road.


Detailed Map of Border Crossing Points between Bulgaria and Romania

Other Border Crossings

There are four other border crossing points, although these are not for road transport.  They are as follows:

Vama Veche (Bulgaria) - Durankuk (Romania)

This crossing is located along the Black Sea coast, on the southeastern section of the borders.  It is mainly for pedestrians and cyclists travelling between the two villages.

Negru Voda (Bulgaria) - Dobromir (Romania)

Situated in the north-eastern extreme of the border, this crossing is for pedestrians and cyclists.  It connects the villages mentioned.

Ostrov (Bulgaria) - Ostrov (Romania)

The town of Ostrov straddles the Bulgaria-Romania border, and there is an official border crossing point.  It is located on Ostrov Road, otherwise known as the DJ222 in Bulgaria.  Here too, it is mainly for pedestrians and cyclists.


Ths border crossing is a ferry over the Danube River.  It connects the towns of Bechet (Bulgaria) with Oryahovo (Romania).  On the Bulgarian side, the ferry terminal is reached via Road 12.  In Romania, use the DN56B - a local road.  Both vehicles and pedestrians can use this crossing.

 Ferry boat along the border between Bulgaria and Romania

Border Control and Customs Procedures

Since both Bulgaria and Romania are part of the European Union, citizens of these countries can move freely and with minimal interference within the EU.  This is thanks to both nations being signatories of the Schengen Agreement.  Non-EU travellers are required to adhere to the regulations specific to their nationality, as regards visa and other travel document requirements.  In general, the flow of traffic at the border crossing is hassle-free.  Customs procedures are designed to ensure the efficient passage of goods, thereby enhancing trade and commerce.

Trade and Economic Implications

The road border crossings greatly enhance both trade and economic cooperation between Bulgaria and Romania.  Over the years, the volume of goods crossing the border in either direction has grown steadily.  Prompt and efficient transit of goods serves to accelerate economic development, while nurturing business growth.  It also positively affects regional integration.

Tourism and Cultural Exchanges

Over and above the trade benefits, the border crossings allow tourists to move easily between the two countries.  Both countries have a rich history, with multiple attractions of cultural significance.  On either side of the border, there are numerous historical sites, natural attractions and architecture steeped in the historical past.  At certain times, there are also festivals that showcase the close connection between the two countries.  There are numerous tourism initiatives that promote cross-border tourism, thereby fostering mutually beneficial relations between the two countries.

Challenges and Future Developments

Although various factors have led to progress at border crossing, various challenges nevertheless persist.  Administrative procedures and a lack of infrastructure can both slow the movement of goods across the border.  For this reason, there are ongoing efforts to improve efficiency at the border.  These include digitalization, infrastructure upgrades and the continued cooperation between the authorities and various stakeholders.  

Uniting Europe by Road

The European Transport Corridor IV is an initiative that showcases the European Union’s commitment to developing the region.  This is achieved by providing the opportunity for further investment and improvements to border infrastructure.  These in turn benefit businesses across the region.

There are also promising prospects for the road border crossing between the two countries as they work together to address future needs.  They aim to resolve challenges by improving cross-border connectivity, including the constructions of new roads and modernised facilities.  It is believed that as traffic volume increases, these will aid the border region in keeping up with the expected demand.

Danube bridge Toll – Cars entering from Romania.

The rollout of digital technologies and the automation of border control and customs will further streamline operations.  It is expected that they will lead to reduced waiting times and an improved transit experience.  Benefits are also expected as these technologies simplify trade and promote business growth.  

Exchanging Goods (and Goodwill)

As regards tourism, various efforts are already underway to develop the sector, including cultural exchanges and cross-border projects. Their aim is to capitalize on the diversity of attractions in the border regions, thereby ensuring sustainable tourism growth and bilateral economic benefits.

While challenges may arise, given the track records of good relations between Bulgaria and Hungary, along with the support of the European Union, the future looks bright.  Among the challenges that have been identified are adequate funding, environmental concerns, and the coordination of the needs of numerous stakeholders.  However, in general, the environment appears to be conducive to addressing these issues to the benefit of the region.  And this in turn, will ensure the border region remains an attractive destination to visit.